7 - Day FREE Global Meditation

Each morning Joeaux Robey and Marilyn Harper will guide you through a beautiful meditation. PLUS Yeshua has shared he has new information on Peace!

When we have a "busy mind," a "chaotic life," that is simply the energy that floats around us most of our day. When we have a peaceful mind at the start of our day, at least that inner peace has a chance to survive. 

Join us December 1 - 7th 
for a FREE 
7-Day Global Meditation 

Copyright ©2020 Adironnda & Company - All rights reserved.

Are you ready for a journey?

How about a rEVOLution?

Start your day off right and join your chosen soul family in shifting the consciousness of the planet.

Receive FREE access to our 
7- Day Global Meditation 
"The New rEVOLution for Inner Peace"